- The European Parliament Plays with the Risk of Nuclear WarOn November 28, the European Parliament passed a second Ukraine resolution with the martial-sounding title “Strengthening the EU’s Unwavering Support for Ukraine Against Russia’s War of Aggression and the Increasing Military Cooperation Between North… Read more: The European Parliament Plays with the Risk of Nuclear War<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/the-european-parliament-plays-with-the-risk-of-nuclear-war/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/das-europaische-parlament-dreht-durch/">Deutsch</a></div>
- Its Ukraine policy could break the European Unionby Michael von der Schulenburg and Ruth Firmenich On 1 September, we commemorate the beginning of the Second World War 85 years ago with Nazi Germany’s attack on Poland. It developed into the cruellest… Read more: Its Ukraine policy could break the European Union<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/its-ukraine-policy-could-break-the-european-union/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/an-ihrer-ukraine-politik-droht-die-europaische-union-zu-zerbrechen/">Deutsch</a></div>
- The Ukraine war could have been prevented if the UN-Charta had been observedMichael von der Schulenburg With the war in Ukraine, we must once again ask ourselves perhaps the most important question for a peaceful future for humanity: can there be a world in which peace… Read more: The Ukraine war could have been prevented if the UN-Charta had been observed<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/the-ukraine-war-could-have-been-prevented-if-the-un-charta-had-been-observed/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/der-ukrainekrieg-hatte-bei-einhaltung-des-volkerrechts-verhindert-werden-konnen/">Deutsch</a></div>
- Überlegungen zum Ukrainekrieg und der Rolle der EU
- Wir brauchen Frieden in EuropaDer frühere VN-Diplomat Michael von der Schulenburg kandidiert bei der bevorstehenden Europawahl für das Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW). Im Gespräch mit BUSINESS & DIPLOMACY sagt er, was er damit erreichen möchte. Interview: Frank Schüttig… Read more: Wir brauchen Frieden in Europa<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/?p=3671">Deutsch</a></div>
- One must Negotiate with PutinAn in-depth discussion on diplomacy, power dynamics, and the quest for peace in Eastern Europe with Swiss Weltwoche. Interview: Roman Zeller Weltwoche: What is your assessment of the war in Ukraine? Schulenburg: The situation must… Read more: One must Negotiate with Putin<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/?p=3668">English</a></div>
- Man muss mit Putin verhandelnMichael von der Schulenburg, 75, vermittelte als Assistant Secretary-General der UNO in Kriegsgebieten. Hier kritisiert er die konfrontative Politik der EU und betont die Notwendigkeit eines Verhandlungsfriedens, um Leid und Zerstörung in der Ukraine… Read more: Man muss mit Putin verhandeln<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/?p=3675">Deutsch</a></div>
- Gemeinsame Erklärung zum Besuch des Bundeskanzlers Olaf Scholz in Chinavon Hajo Funke, Harald Kujat, Peter Brandt, Michael von der Schulenburg Wir begrüßen den Besuch des Bundeskanzlers Olaf Scholz in Begleitung einer starken Wirtschaftsdelegation in China. Wir hoffen, dass dieser Besuch nicht nur zu… Read more: Gemeinsame Erklärung zum Besuch des Bundeskanzlers Olaf Scholz in China<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/gemeinsame-erklarung-zum-besuch-des-bundeskanzlers-olaf-scholz-in-china/">Deutsch</a></div>
- With its role in the Ukraine war the European Union may risk its own political futureby Michael von der Schulenburg and Hans-Joachim Funke The deteriorating military situation in Ukraine and the United States increasing withdrawal from this war created a situation in which the EU is now pushed into… Read more: With its role in the Ukraine war the European Union may risk its own political future<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/with-its-role-in-the-ukraine-war-the-european-union-may-risk-its-own-political-future/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/mit-ihrer-rolle-im-ukrainekrieg-konnte-die-europaische-union-ihre-eigene-politische-zukunft-riskieren/">Deutsch</a></div>
- ONLY PEACE NEGOTIATIONS CAN SAVE UKRAINETHE UKRAINIAN WAR MUST NOT GO INTO A THIRD YEAR Last week, the majority of members of the German Bundestag (federal parliament) declared their unrestricted support to Ukraine’s war aims: “Regaining full territorial integrity… Read more: ONLY PEACE NEGOTIATIONS CAN SAVE UKRAINE<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/?p=3642">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/?p=3641">Deutsch</a></div>
- The Ukraine war could come to an unexpected endEven if there is still fighting at the front, recent developments in Ukraine would suggest that the war could end in a way that is completely unexpected in the West – with a Ukrainian-Russian… Read more: The Ukraine war could come to an unexpected end<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/?p=3635">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/?p=3633">Deutsch</a></div>
- Ukraine – Verhandlungsfrieden oder permanenter Krieg der Großmächte auf dem europäischen Kontinent – Das Schicksalsjahr 2024 für Europavon Hajo Funke und Michael von der Schulenburg „Mit der russischen Führung darf man nicht verhandeln“ – Mit Russland wird man verhandeln müssen Gegen die große Mehrheit der deutschen und europäischen Bevölkerung, die Mehr… Read more: Ukraine – Verhandlungsfrieden oder permanenter Krieg der Großmächte auf dem europäischen Kontinent – Das Schicksalsjahr 2024 für Europa<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/with-its-role-in-the-ukraine-war-the-european-union-may-risk-its-own-political-future/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/ukraine-verhandlungsfrieden-oder-permanenter-krieg-der-grosmachte-auf-dem-europaischen-kontinent-das-schicksalsjahr-2024-fur-europa/">Deutsch</a></div>
- Arsonists, sleepwalkers and the ignorant: How NATO provoked the road to the war in Ukraine and then did nothing to prevent itBy guest author Leo Ensel. Exactly two years ago, Russia formulated its security interests in separate letters to NATO’s Secretary General Stoltenberg and to US President Biden in no uncertain terms. The West’s reaction:… Read more: Arsonists, sleepwalkers and the ignorant: How NATO provoked the road to the war in Ukraine and then did nothing to prevent it<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/arsonists-sleepwalkers-and-the-ignorant-how-nato-provoked-the-road-to-the-war-in-ukraine-and-then-did-nothing-to-prevent-it/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/brandstifter-schlafwandler-ignoranten-wie-die-nato-den-weg-zum-ukrainekrieg-provozierte-und-dann-nichts-unternahm-ihn-zu-verhindern/">Deutsch</a></div>
- What kind of world do we want to live in?This article is based on a speech given at the “Never again war – lay down your arms” rally in front of the Brandenburg Gate on November 25, 2023 Today, we live in a… Read more: What kind of world do we want to live in?<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/what-kind-of-world-do-we-want-to-live-in/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/in-welcher-welt-wollen-wir-leben/">Deutsch</a></div>
- How The Chance Was Lost For A Peace Settlement Of The Ukraine WarThe disastrous derailment of early peace efforts to end the war in Ukraine This is a detailed reconstruction of the Ukrainian-Russian peace negotiations in March 2022 and the associated mediation attempts by the then… Read more: How The Chance Was Lost For A Peace Settlement Of The Ukraine War<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/how-the-chance-was-lost-for-a-peace-settlement-of-the-ukraine-war/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/de/ukraines-gescheiterte-friedensverhandlungen/">Deutsch</a></div>
- A groundbreaking German peace proposal for Ukraine that could save us all from an all-out warAt the end of August this year, four highly respected German personalities[1] presented a peace proposal for ending the war in Ukraine through a ceasefire and subsequent peace negotiations: (https://zeitgeschehen-im-fokus.ch/en/newspaper-ausgabe-en/article-translated-in-english.html#article_1565) It is arguably the… Read more: A groundbreaking German peace proposal for Ukraine that could save us all from an all-out war<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/german-peace-proposal-for-ukraine/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/de/deutscher-friedensvorschlag-fuer-die-ukraine/">Deutsch</a></div>
- Will the Ukraine war be the undoing for the European Union?With the ending of the division of Europe, we will strive for a new quality in our security relations while fully respecting each other’s freedom of choice in that respect. Security is indivisible and… Read more: Will the Ukraine war be the undoing for the European Union?<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/will-the-ukraine-war-be-the-undoing-for-the-european-union/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/de/wird-der-ukraine-krieg-zum-verhaengnis-fuer-die-europaeische-union">Deutsch</a></div>
- The war in Ukraine and our obligation to seek peaceThe war in Ukraine is now entering its second year without any attempt being made to find a peaceful solution. Instead of initiating peace talks, the warring parties have become further entangled in a… Read more: The war in Ukraine and our obligation to seek peace<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/the-war-in-ukraine-and-our-obligation-to-seek-peace/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/de/der-ukraine-krieg-und-unsere-verpflichtung-zum-frieden/">Deutsch</a></div>
- What are the chances for peace in Ukraine?Whether there will be a chance for peace in Ukraine depends, above all, on the United States! For the USA, this war is about its geostrategic goals and only geostrategic considerations will persuade the… Read more: What are the chances for peace in Ukraine?<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/what-are-the-chances-for-peace-in-ukraine">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/welche-chancen-fuer-frieden-gibt-es-in-der-ukraine/">Deutsch</a></div>
- In Ukraine, the aim must be winning peace and not the warIn today’s world that is packed with weapons of mass destruction, hypersonic delivery systems, cyber warfare, space warfare and artificial intelligence capabilities, next to other awful things, any strategy that aims at winning a… Read more: In Ukraine, the aim must be winning peace and not the war<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/in-ukraine-the-aim-must-be-winning-peace-and-not-the-war/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/de/in-der-ukraine-muss-es-darum-gehenden-frieden-und-nicht-den-krieg-zu-gewinnen/">Deutsch</a></div>
- Reaching a Just and Lasting Peace in UkraineJesus taught the world that peacemakers are blessed, for they are the children of God. As war rages in Ukraine, the world needs peacemakers to help the warring sides to choose peace over continued… Read more: Reaching a Just and Lasting Peace in Ukraine<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/reaching-a-just-and-lasting-peace-in-ukraine/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/de/frieden-in-der-ukraine/">Deutsch</a></div>
- Open letter from former UN Assistant Secretary-General on the war in UkraineDear friends, dialog partners and former colleagues, I would like to share with you my most recent article in which I argue that Europe, for its own interest, must push for a negotiated peace… Read more: Open letter from former UN Assistant Secretary-General on the war in Ukraine<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/open-letter-from-former-un-assistant-secretary-general-on-the-war-in-ukraine/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/de/un-generalsekretaers-krieg-in-der-ukraine">Deutsch</a></div>
- Ukraine: we need peace nowAs we write this article, Russia’s war against Ukraine is going into the fourth week with all its ferocity and there is no end to hostilities in sight. Daily, we see heartbreaking pictures of… Read more: Ukraine: we need peace now<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/ukraine-we-need-peace-now/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/de/ukraine-wir-brauchen-frieden-jetzt/">Deutsch</a></div>
- The Ukraine conflictNATO’s intention to admit Ukraine as a full member and Russia’s reaction to it in amassing 100,000 troops at the border with Ukraine has led to the most serious and dangerous crisis on the… Read more: The Ukraine conflict<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/the-ukraine-conflict/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/de/der-jetzige-ukraine-konflikt/">Deutsch</a></div>
- Russia’s attack on UkraineRussia has attacked Ukraine on a broad front with overwhelming military power, and this without being directly provoked. It is a war of aggression to gain territory and political advantages and hence is a… Read more: Russia’s attack on Ukraine<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/russias-attack-on-ukraine/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/de/russlands-angriff-auf-die-ukraine/">Deutsch</a></div>
- Ukraine holds the chance for a comprehensive European peace settlementNATO’s intention to admit the Ukraine as a full member and Russia’s reaction to it in amassing 100,000 troops at the border with Ukraine has led to the most serious and dangerous crisis on… Read more: Ukraine holds the chance for a comprehensive European peace settlement<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/ukraine-holds-the-chance-for-a-comprehensive-european-peace-settlement/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/de/in-der-ukraine-konnte-das-fundament-fur-einen-europaischen-frieden-gelegt-werden/">Deutsch</a></div>
- Europe needs a new vision, not a new Cold WarWhen the Cold War ended peacefully in 1990, Europe was its main beneficiary. Today, only 30 years later, we seem on the verge of yet another Cold War. This should ring alarm bells among… Read more: Europe needs a new vision, not a new Cold War<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/europe-needs-a-new-vision-not-a-new-cold-war/">English</a> | <a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/de/europa-braucht-eine-neue-vision-keinen-neuen-kalten-krieg/">Deutsch</a></div>
- Where stands Europe in a changing world?Europe faces fundamental geopolitical changes caused by a decline in US global power, the rise of China and Asia, a re-assertive Russia, the emergence of multiple regional powers and the many intra-state armed conflicts… Read more: Where stands Europe in a changing world?<div style="text-align: left; font-size: 1.0rem;"><a href="https://michael-von-der-schulenburg.com/europe-in-a-changing-world/">English</a></div>